嘉宾简介: 赵红博士现任美国弗吉尼亚联邦大学机械与核工程学系助理教授。她在罗格斯大学获得机械与航天工程博士学位。在2014年加入弗吉尼亚联邦大学以前,她在施乐韦伯斯特研究中心工作了大约8年。赵教授的研究学科领域跨度很大,包括表面科学和表面工程,胶体纳米粒子的输运和自组装,印刷工艺的发展(如喷墨印刷、电液印刷、直接挤出印刷等)和印刷功能设备。赵教授自撰和与他人合撰的文章总数达33篇,获得和申请专利共计34项,独自撰写了一本书。赵博士的研究项目得到了美国国家科学基金会、杰佛瑞斯纪念信托基金、高等教育设备信托基金、弗吉尼亚微电子协会和弗吉尼亚大学校长研究探索基金的支持。 报告内容: Printing, as a scalable manufacturing platform, has attracted growing attention in many areas, e.g. printed electronics, energy storage, bioprinting, and additive manufacturing. The challenges lie in the material interactions during printing process, assembly of the functional materials to form patterns, and high resolution of critical features. In this talk, I will present our recent research work on the self-assembly of colloidal nanoparticles in a dual-droplet inkjet printing process to produce a nearly monolayer, closely-packed deposition of nanoparticles that exhibits a colorful reflection. The well-ordered deposition is achieved by tuning the solvent composition of the wetting droplets and functionalization of the nanoparticles to encourage a network formation among the colloidal particles at the air-droplet interface. pH manipulation of the supporting droplet also affects the multibody interactions among the nanoparticles in addition to particle-interface and particle-substrate interactions, leading to a spectrum of deposition morphology ranging from ring-like patterns to uniform monolayer depositions. This study suggests a new printing strategy to pattern and control the colloidal particle deposition with ordered monolayer structures. In addition, I will briefly introduce our research work on fabrication of functional devices using various printing processes, e.g. mask-assisted electrospraying process, extrusion-based printing process, etc. |