个人简历: James Clark教授是英国约克大学卓越绿色化学中心主任,是 University of Gent (比利时),Leuphana University (德国)和Saint Louis University(瑞典)的荣誉博士,同时也是南非开普敦大学、四川大学和复旦大学的客座教授。最近还被任命为北欧生物经济中心卓越科学顾问委员会的主席,也是新加坡教育部专家小组成员。曾获得RSC(英国皇家化学会) Environment Prize;SCI Chemistry for Industry award;Green Gowns award;Royal Society of Arts Better Environment award及EU Better Environment award等奖励。已发表超过450篇论文及20多项专利著作等(h-index 66),是RSC Green Chemistry journal(影响因子9.1)的创刊主编,也是现任RSC绿色化学系列丛书的主编,Green Chemistry Network 主席。 英国约克大学卓越绿色化学中心是世界一流的绿色化学科研中心,主要研究方向包括农业废弃物高值利用、生物质资源转化利用、天然产物提取等;中心现有包括学生在内的研究人员90人左右,现有包括来自EPSRC, BBSRC, Innovate UK, EU, Formas (Sweden) 以及工业合作伙伴超过1000万欧元的科研经费支持。 报告简介: Title: The Promises of Green and Sustainable Chemistry Abstract: The most interesting of the large volume wastes is bio-wastes including forestry and agricultural by-products, and food supply chain wastage. These can be seen as renewable resources and can form the basis of future bio-refineries gradually replacing petroleum-based refineries. To fully exploit the concept and make it widely useful while maintaining environmental advantage, we need to show that Green Chemistry lives up to its promises. This means the right technologies to extract the molecular value from the wastes and ensuring that future products from bio-refineries are genuinely green and sustainable. New, energy efficient green chemical technologies that can convert a wide variety of waste streams into valuable chemicals and energy include low-temperature microwave processing, benign solvent extraction and new bio-based platform molecules. A wide range of projects will be described to help illustrate how we can apply green chemical technologies to the valorisation of wastes. These projects are usually carried out in consortia often involving industry and on many occasions ranging across more than one country. Our new international green chemistry centres network (www.g2c2.greenchemistrynetwork.org) helps create multinational partnerships that can meet new opportunities for tackling global challenges. |